Prayer Journal

If you’re having a good day, pray. If you’re having a bad day, pray. Everyday is a gift and it depends on how you decide to unwrap it. Pray! Just one day without your faith in Jesus can make one weak.

Strength doesn’t stem from carrying every challenge of the day alone. Deuteronomy chapter 31 verse 6 says to “Be strong and of a good courage, fear not, nor be afraid of them: for the LORD thy God, he it is that doth go with thee; he will not fail thee, nor forsake thee”.. The struggles that you have been facing develop your strength and as you pray you will find strength in Philippians chapter 4 verse 13 “ I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me”.

As you find yourselves pulling through these hardships there you’ll find your strength.

Have you ever heard the old saying that “pressure can make you a diamond?!” I think that it comes from the pure fact that coal, which is ten different kinds of dark and just so dirty, when under pressure for a real long time. It turns to diamonds, one of our most valued jewel. You’re a jewel!

Author: Blending The Bunch

Hey ya'll, my name is Manda Halkowitz. I am the owner of this blog for advice on intermediate age-gap relationships, housewives, stay-at-home mothers, first time mothers and freelanced models/writers/photographers. I am here to share my own personal experiences. I am originally from Panama City, Florida (USA), I was raised in Wilcox County, Alabama (USA) and I currently live NW Louisiana with my Husband of five years. I have been a freelanced writer since 2018, and specialize in freelanced modeling, writing and photography. Before becoming a freelanced writer, I worked as a accountant for a foreign and domestic mechanic shop in Panama City, Florida. In my free time, I enjoy my big ole family, photography, fishing, reading and writing.

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